In recognition of the two-way international ERC amateur radio communication, the DIGITAL MODE The Digital Mode Club (ERC) issues Worked-CHINE certificates -Stations-Award for Amateur radio stations of the world. The qualification for the ERC-WDCHI award is based in an examination conducted by the ERC-WDCHI Award Manager, of QSOs that the applicant has contacted amateur radio station CHINE with a minimum of 5 Different amateur radio stations each with a different call sign. All contacts must same country. Band endorsements for 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 60,80 and 160m
Agradecimiento especial a EPC y Heinz, DK5UR por apoyarnos con su software UltimateAAC, y una programación de tiempo infinito para nosotros, este es el verdadero “Espíritu de HAM”